Environmental Activities
Environmental Policies
Acknowledging that efforts to address environmental issues are essential for our existence and activities, we will take voluntary and proactive initiatives to help establish a recycling-oriented society.
Preventing global warming
We will help prevent global warming by developing technologies and manufacturing methods that are in harmony with the environment, and by promoting resource and energy efficiency.
- Reducing environmental burdens
We will observe all environmental laws, regulations, and other requirements, and establish and operate an environmental management system and a management system on chemical substances in products, with the aim of preventing environmental pollution and reducing environmental burdens.
Preserving the natural environment
Recognizing the importance of the local environment, we will make every effort to improve environmental conditions, preserve biodiversity, and achieve harmony with local communities.
Promoting environmental awareness activities
Through environmental education and public relations activities, we will disseminate our policies to all employees and relevant subcontractors to make them reaffirm the importance of the global environment and increase their environmental awareness.
Major Environmental Activities
Preventing global warming
We are working company-wide on reducing energy consumption, by establishing an energy savings committee to further promote such efforts. We are engaged in reducing greenhouse gas emissions (i.e. gas and electricity consumption) through activities including monitoring electricity consumption, reducing unnecessary use of compressed air in facilities, raising the efficiency of lighting in plants, and ensuring efficient operation of air conditioners.
Reducing environmental burdens
In an effort to fully observe environmental laws, regulations and ordinances, as well as requirements from customers, we perform equipment inspections and measurements of water discharged from our plants, noise, and vibration. We also regularly clean inside and outside our plants to prevent polluting the environment. In manufacturing products, we make every effort to reduce or discontinue the use of substances impacting the environment and conduct appropriate management of such substances for every process starting from procurement of raw materials.
Preserving the natural environment
As a measure to improve the natural environment surrounding us, we have green space on the premises of all our plants. We also work on preserving natural environments through efforts to reduce and recycle wastes generated in the manufacturing process.
Promoting environmental awareness activities
In “energy savings month,” we explain to all employees about our company’s actual electricity consumption and our detailed energy-saving measures. Meanwhile, we improve the environmental awareness of people both inside and outside the company. As part of such efforts, we provide environmental precautions for operations and environmental training for everybody working in our plants, including our subcontractors’ employees.
Solar Power Generation Business
On December 25, 2014, we constructed a solar power facility at our Gojo Plant site (address: 5-chome, Futami, Gojo City, Nara Pref.) and started selling all the electricity generated by the facility.
With 3,570 solar panels installed in an area of 15,659 m2, the facility generates approximately 821 MWh of electricity per year.

Estimated environmental contribution
- Reduction in petroleum consumption
186,365.7 L/yr, equivalent to 931.8 200-liter drums/yr. - Reduction in CO2 emissions
70,418 kg-C/yr (carbon equivalent)
258,202.7 kg-CO2/yr (CO2 equivalent) - Reduction in passenger car travel distance
1,098,735 km/yr
This is the value determined by converting the annual reduction in CO2 emissions to the travel distance of a passenger car. - Capacity in forest area
This is the value determined by converting the capacity of the solar generation system to reduce CO2 emissions to that of forest area.
If the area is a square piece of land, the length of one side would be 850 m.
The area is equivalent to 54.8 fields at Kyocera Dome Osaka - Sulfur oxides and nitrogen oxides
SOx: 197.039 kg/yr
NOx: 213.459 kg/yr